Using Nanaimo

To illustrate how to use Nanaimo we are going to work with a specific scenario. We’ll be writing tests to verify an IMU using a pan-tilt test rig.

Example scenario using Nanaimo to test an IMU.

Fig. 1 Example scenario using Nanaimo to test an IMU.

Our test will run the following steps:

  1. Upload the firmware using a serial bootloader.
  2. Start the pan/tilt test rig,
  3. Start capturing IMU readings.
  4. Stop the pan/tilt test rig.
  5. Validate the data.

As you read this document you might wonder if the amount of rigor is necessary given the sometimes trivial nature of tests for components and sub-systems. One might be tempted to write a bash script or a simpler python script with no formal structure.

Don’t normalize deviance….

The authors of Nanaimo aver that the real-world is complicated and messy. When you include physical devices in software workflows you mix something that is inherently chaotic with something that assumes everything it does is absolutely deterministic. Dealing with edge cases and ensuring repeatability turns unstructured code into a complex mess. With unmanaged complexity comes unexpected behavior and when the unexpected behavior is tolerated a normalization of deviance sets in making the tests worse than nothing.

Nanaimo seeks to organize complexity within Fixtures presenting a simplified API to test cases and allowing for a verification syntax that is concise and readable. Furthermore, the architecture enables and encourages fixture reuse supporting DRY principles.

To summarize; as you read this guide keep the following goals in mind:

Encapsulate complexity in Fixtures. Write simple and clear test cases. Don’t ignore failures.


Let’s take a moment to review some important concepts and terms we’ll use in our demonstration below. There are two main things you will build using Nanaimo:

  1. test cases
  2. fixtures
Major concepts in Nanaimo

Fig. 2 The major concepts in Nanaimo.

We’ll review both of these in the next two sections and will cover nait (NanAimo Interactive Terminal) later in this document.

Test Fixtures

A test fixture in a UTM.

Fig. 3 A test fixture used to hold material under test in a UTM [1].

Mechanical, material, and electrical engineers may be confused by the term “fixture” as used by software engineers. The former group uses the term to describe a physical adapter holding test material in a precise and repeatable position within a test instrument. For software engineers the term is similar but purely logical. For example, JUnit describes a fixture as something that ensures “there is a well known and fixed environment in which tests are run so that results are repeatable [2].” The term “environment” is the key here. Tests must be run in a well-known and repeatable environment to be valid. The job of Nanaimo fixtures are to validate and adapt the software testing environment to promote consistency and reliability.


A quick note on “instruments” which is another taxonomic term found in Nanaimo. A Nanaimo instrument is simply a flavor of Fixture that either manipulates or measures a test subject. Like the UTM in figure 3, instruments sometimes need other fixtures which is why Nanaimo Fixtures are composable.

Test Cases

A test case is the xunit [3] term for a single pytest test. For example:

import pytest
from nanaimo import assert_success

async def test_eating_dessert(nanaimo_bar):
    Get a Nanaimo bar and eat it!
    assert_success(await nanaimo_bar.gather()).eat()

In this example the “test case” is the test_eating_dessert method. Note the use of nanaimo_bar. This is a Nanaimo Fixture acting as a Pytest fixture. If you are unfamiliar with Pytest fixtures you should review their documentation at this point.

Nanaimo defines HIL (Hardware-In-the-Loop) test cases as pytests that use Fixtures to modify, manipulate, and observe hardware available in the test environment. Figure 4 shows the typical structure of this type of test case. We’ll discuss each phase in this section of the document and then provide a full example in a following section.

Typical phases of a HIL unit test.

Fig. 4 Typical phases of a HIL unit test.

Phase 1. State Verification

The first thing most HIL tests will do is to verify the state of the required fixtures. Be careful with this phase and remember the opening admonition, “Encapsulate complexity in fixtures. Write simple test cases. Don’t ignore failures”. Well designed fixtures should provide internal consistency checks and fail when the fixture is improperly used rather than requiring each test case to perform fixture setup. Still, not all required state is generic so there are sometimes checks like, “Is this fixture already powered up? If so reboot it.” or “Is this instrument calibrated? If not then run the calibration procedure.” As both examples provided suggest, this phase is often an optimization used to skip lengthy steps that may be unnecessary. Where initialization steps can take several minutes or more it becomes a necessary optimization to enable a large number of small and simple tests to be written without creating test suites that take hours to complete.


Software unittest best practices generally posit that each test should be as narrow as possible ideally testing everything in the most independent and granular manner possible. Nanaimo seeks to enable this methodology when using hardware test apparatuses by allowing for highly intelligent Fixtures to optimize the test rig turn around time and to ensure all tests can begin in a known state. For those of you interested in writing more “sociable” tests keep an eye on Issue 74 which would enable this pattern.

Phases 2, 3, & 4. Start/Acquire/Stop

The next three steps are sometimes carefully sequenced and sometimes run concurrently. The logic here should be obvious: first you start the flow of data, you sample this data, and then you stop the flow of data. Subtleties do arise especially when you need to capture data that is only available as part of the startup sequence of a device (e.g. when you first power it on). When this data is required you typically modify the sequence to be:

start acquisition > start the fixture > stop the fixture > stop acquisition

You should prefer the form show in in Figure 4 since startup and shutdown are typically special cases.

Phase 5. Analyse

Now we get to the pure software part of the test. Nanaimo considers it good form to defer analysing the data until after all fixtures have completed. This makes for two classes of failure:

  1. Data acquisition failure
  2. System performance failure

Data acquisition failures should always be treated as unknown failures which are bugs in the test cases and/or test fixtures themselves. Well designed tests should be deterministic and you should always expect to acquire the data you need to analyse a system under test. If you really want to argue the point you can simply reclassify induced hardware failures as the data itself to understand our argument. For example:

# Acquire data
assert_success(await my_fixture.gather(cmd='ping'))
assert_success(await my_fixture.gather(cmd='halt'))
with pytest.raises(DeviceUnavailableError):
    await my_fixture.gather(cmd='ping')

…where the “data” is “did the device become unreachable?” which is automatically analysed by pytest.raises().

It’s more typical, however, to acquire a data-set like logs or sensor data that is then processed comparing it to the required performance of the system under test. Failed assertions here are bugs or regressions in the system itself. It is just this scenario that our example project will explore so let’s get started.

Setting up your Project

We won’t go into detail on how to setup a Python project but we’ll add a few things to make pytest happy by default (none of this setup is specific to Nanaimo). Start by creating the following directories and files:

+ myproject
|   + test
|   |
|   |
| tox.ini

In tox.ini add the following:

log_cli = true
log_cli_level = DEBUG
log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s
log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

This will make any use of logging.Logger log to the console when running tests.

Next setup a virtual environment. Again, this isn’t a requirement for Nanaimo but it is a best practice especially when playing around with a package like we’re doing here:

cd myproject
virtualenv .pyenv
source .pyenv/bin/activate

Finally, add Nanaimo:

pip install nanaimo

If you want to run Nanaimo from source you can also do:

pip install -e /path/to/nanaimo/

You may also want to use instruments that have other dependencies on the test environment but we’ll discuss this more in the section on writing your own Nanaimo Fixture.

Finally, let’s add the “hello world” of Nanaimo, the nanaimo-bar fixture test, to See the nanaimo-bar example above for this example. You should be able to run this test now:


If you configured the tox pytest section for logging you’ll see this output:

------------------- live log sessionstart -------------------
collected 1 item

----------------------- live log setup -----------------------
2019-11-18 10:28:58 DEBUG asyncio: Using selector: KqueueSelector
2019-11-18 10:28:58 DEBUG asyncio: Using selector: KqueueSelector
----------------------- live log call ------------------------
2019-11-18 10:28:58 INFO nanaimo_bar: don't forget to eat your dessert.
2019-11-18 10:28:58 INFO nanaimo_bar: Nanaimo bars are yummy.

Now list your available pytest fixtures:

pytest --fixtures

You’ll see sections with titles like fixtures defined from nanaimo.... For example:

----------------------- fixtures defined from nanaimo.pytest.plugin ------------------------
    Provides a default :class:`FixtureManager <nanaimo.fixtures.FixtureManager>` to a test.

    .. invisible-code-block: python

        import nanaimo
        import nanaimo.fixtures

    .. code-block:: python

        def test_example(nanaimo_fixture_manager: nanaimo.Namespace) -> None:
            common_loop = nanaimo_fixture_manager.loop

    :param pytest_request: The request object passed into the pytest fixture factory.
    :type pytest_request: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest
    :return: A new fixture manager.
    :rtype: nanaimo.fixtures.FixtureManager

If you do pytest --help you’ll see the arguments listed for your Nanaimo fixtures. For example

--bk-port=BK_PORT     The port the BK Precision power supply is connected to. Set
                        NANAIMO_BK_PORT in the environment to override default.
--bk-command=BK_COMMAND, --BC=BK_COMMAND
                        time out for individual commands. Set NANAIMO_BK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT in the
                        environment to override default.
                        The target voltage Set NANAIMO_BK_TARGET_VOLTAGE in the environment to
                        override default.
                        Voltage offset from the target voltage to trigger on when the voltage is
                        rising. Set NANAIMO_BK_TARGET_VOLTAGE_THRESHOLD_RISING in the
                        environment to override default.
                        Voltage offset from the target voltage to trigger on when the voltage is
                        falling. Set NANAIMO_BK_TARGET_VOLTAGE_THRESHOLD_FALLING in the
                        environment to override default.

These are defined by the Nanaimo fixture itself in the on_visit_test_arguments hook and can be overridden using explicit commandline parameters to pytest or by passing in overrides in your pytests to the Fixture.gather() method. The base configuration should come from defaults either in etc/nanaimo.cfg or in a config file specified by --rcfile.

We’ll cover configuration in a later section. For now we’ll pretend we configured everything already so we can jump into the code and work back to the configuration.

Writing Pytests with Hardware-In-the-Loop

Let’s get started with the simplest test to analyse but, perhaps, the most complex to automate; The firmware update.

Firmware Update Pt.1

from nanaimo import assert_success

async def test_upload_firmware(nanaimo_arguments, nanaimo_cmd):
    This test requires that a (fictitious) utility 'upload_firmware' is available in
    the environment and that it takes the arguments 'firmware path' and 'serial port'
    as its arguments.
    upload_command = 'upload_firmware {imu_firmware} {imu_port}'.format(
    assert_success(await nanaimo_cmd.gather(cmd_shell=upload_command))

So everything that is interesting (read: complex) about this test is hidden down in our fictitious “upload_firmware” program. Our earlier assertion that this was difficult to automate seems bogus. Regardless we’ve verified that the device is present and can have a new firmware loaded on it. We’ll come back to this test later to explain why we warned about the complexity. For now let’s move forward to capturing and analysing some IMU data.

IMU Data Test

This test will use the following Nanaimo fixtures:

pytest fixture name Role
nanaimo_serial Attached to the IMU to capture data.
nanaimo_serial_watch Attached to the IMU validate that it started up normally.
nanaimo_yepkit USB3 hub with controllable power output.
nanaimo_gather Run the serial watcher at the same time we turn on the IMU power
from nanaimo import assert_success

async def test_imu(nanaimo_arguments, nanaimo_serial_watch, nanaimo_serial, nanaimo_yepkit, nanaimo_gather):
    A test that verifies that our IMU is returning sensible data.

    yepkit_port_for_pantilt = nanaimo_arguments.yep_pantilt_port
    yepkit_port_for_imu = nanaimo_arguments.yep_imu_port

    # Enable the IMU and ensure we see the expected "I'm up" message
    coroutines = [
        nanaimo_yepkit.gather(yep_port=yepkit_port_for_imu, yep_command='u')

    assert_success(await nanaimo_gather.gather(gather_coroutine=coroutines))

    # Start the pan-tilt fixture.
    assert_success(await nanaimo_yepkit.gather(yep_port=yepkit_port_for_pantilt,

    # We're going to wait 3-seconds to let the IMU warm up a bit, to let the
    # pan-tilt hardware to work out any resonances from startup impulses, and
    # to let any filters flatten out in the IMU.
    await nanaimo_gather.countdown_sleep(3)

    # We'll capture 10-seconds of data.
    artifacts = assert_success(await nanaimo_serial.gather(ser_memory_capture=10))

    # Shutdown the pan-tilt fixture and the IMU.
    assert_success(await nanaimo_yepkit.gather(yep_port=[yepkit_port_for_pantilt,

    # #####################################################################
    #  At this point we're done acquiring data. Next use this data to
    #  evaluate the performance of the IMU
    # #####################################################################

    # for ypr_tuple in

We’re going to end this example here to avoid digressing into a discussion on analysing sensor data and stay focused on the mechanics of Nanaimo. Before we move on though we offer Figure 5 which is real data captured from the test rig shown in Figure 1. Seeing this data one can see how imprecise the test rig is but also that there are obvious strategies for sanity testing this data-set.

Plot of Yaw Pitch and Roll data.

Fig. 5 Plot of Yaw Pitch and Roll data acquired as part of the example test.

Firmware Update Pt.2

Let’s revisit the firmware update test again. The complexity we hinted at arises from two things:

  1. Making sure the firmware is loaded before each test.
  2. Reducing test time and decreasing part wear by skipping the firmware update if the right firmware was already on the device.

Item 2 is sometimes handled automatically by the underlying tooling (for example, Segger JLink is very good at eliding unnecessary writes) and the amount of time it takes to “upload” or “flash” a firmware to a target device varies significantly depending on the device’s capabilities, the size of the binary, the efficiency of the programmer, and upload protocol in use. Where the test itself must contain logic to avoid unnecessary programming we need to make some decisions. We either need to check and potentially update the firmware before each test or we need to be sure we always run the firmware update test first and successfully.

As Item 2 details, before we can make any decisions on how to ensure we have the correct firmware we need a way to check this. Again, the underlying tool can often handle this for us automatically but for our example we’ll have to ask:

from nanaimo import assert_success

async def test_upload_firmware_if_needed(nanaimo_arguments, nanaimo_cmd, nanaimo_log):
    We'll expand our use of the fictitious 'upload_firmware' binary to suppose it
    has a '--query' parameter that returns the version of the firmware found on the

    class VersionFilter(logging.Filter):
        Very naive filter that finds and stores only the structured version number
        found in the subprocess output.

        def __init__(self):
            self.result = None

        def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool:
            if record.getMessage().startswith('version='):
                self.result = [int(x) for x in record.getMessage()[8:].split('.')]

    query_command = 'upload_firmware --query-version {imu_port}'.format(
    upload_command = 'upload_firmware {imu_firmware} {imu_port}'.format(

    nanaimo_cmd.stdout_filter = VersionFilter()
    assert_success(await nanaimo_cmd.gather(cmd_shell=query_command))

    version_triplet = nanaimo_cmd.stdout_filter.result

    # We'll be reusing this fixture so let's unset the stdout filter.
    nanaimo_cmd.stdout_filter = None

    if nanaimo_arguments.imu_firmware_version_major != version_triplet[0] or \
       nanaimo_arguments.imu_firmware_version_minor != version_triplet[1] or \
       nanaimo_arguments.imu_firmware_version_patch != version_triplet[2]:'Required firmware version %d.%d.%d - Found %d.%d.%d',

        # Okay, NOW we know we need to upload. So do that.
        assert_success(await nanaimo_cmd.gather(cmd_shell=upload_command))

    else:'Required firmware version %d.%d.%d Found. Skipping upload.',

So, there are a few problems with our test_upload_firmware_if_needed method above. First, it’s a lot of logic that isn’t actually testing anything and there’s no guarantee that this test will run before any other test that is implicitly testing a specific firmware version. Remembering the first part of our mantra “Encapsulate complexity in Fixtures” it looks like we need a fixture.

While you can create a fixture as part of a redistributable python package we’re going to keep it simple and just use the [4] file we created next to our file. Open that file in your favorite editor and add the following:


Unfortunately, this example won’t actually do anything because your system doesn’t have an “upload_firmware” binary that behaves as our tests assume. You could create a dummy program or you can modify the shell command to use a programmer that you do have available on your system.


import logging
import pytest
import typing
import sys
from unittest.mock import MagicMock

import nanaimo
import nanaimo.config
import nanaimo.fixtures
import nanaimo.pytest
import nanaimo.pytest.plugin
from nanaimo.fixtures import FixtureManager
from nanaimo import assert_success

class FirmwareUpdateFixture(nanaimo.builtin.nanaimo_cmd.Fixture):
    You'll want to give your fixture a good class docstring since this is used by Nanaimo
    as the help text in the --fixtures output (when using the redistributable form of a
    fixture, see below)

    fixture_name = 'firmware_update'
    argument_prefix = 'fwr'

    class VersionFilter(logging.Filter):
        Very naive filter that finds and stores only the structured version number
        found in the subprocess output.

        def __init__(self):
            self.result = None

        def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool:
            if record.getMessage().startswith('version='):
                self.result = [int(x) for x in record.getMessage()[8:].split('.')]
            return True

    query_command = 'upload_firmware --query-version {port}'
    upload_command = 'upload_firmware {firmware} {port}'

    def __init__(self,
                manager: 'FixtureManager',
                args: typing.Optional[nanaimo.Namespace] = None,
                **kwargs: typing.Any):
        super().__init__(manager, args, **kwargs)
        self._cmd = nanaimo.builtin.nanaimo_cmd.Fixture(manager, args, **kwargs)

    def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None:
        arguments.add_argument('force', action='store_true', help='Always upload firmware.')
        arguments.add_argument('firmware_version_major', type=int, help='Required major firmware version.')
        arguments.add_argument('firmware_version_minor', type=int, help='Required minor firmware version.')
        arguments.add_argument('firmware_version_patch', type=int, help='Required patch firmware version.')
        arguments.add_argument('port', help='The serial port to provide to upload_firmware')
        arguments.add_argument('firmware', help='The firmware file to upload.')

    async def on_gather(self, args: nanaimo.Namespace) -> nanaimo.Artifacts:

        if args.fwr_force:

  'Forced firmware upload...')

            # We are forcing the upload to be sure it works regardless of what exists on the
            # target right now.
            return await self._do_upload(args)

            version_triplet = await self._query_version(args)

            if args.fwr_firmware_version_major != version_triplet[0] or \
                    args.fwr_firmware_version_minor != version_triplet[1] or \
                    args.fwr_firmware_version_patch != version_triplet[2]:

      'Required firmware version %d.%d.%d - Found %d.%d.%d',

                # Okay, NOW we know we need to upload. So do that.
                return await self._do_upload(args)


      'Required firmware version %d.%d.%d Found. Skipping upload.',

    async def _query_version(self, args: nanaimo.Namespace) -> typing.Tuple[float, float, float]:
        self._cmd.stdout_filter = self.VersionFilter()

            query = self.query_command.format(port=args.fwr_port)
            await self._cmd.gather(cmd_shell=query)

            return self._cmd.stdout_filter.result

            self._cmd.stdout_filter = None

    async def _do_upload(self, args: nanaimo.Namespace) -> nanaimo.Artifacts:
        upload = self.upload_command.format(firmware=args.fwr_firmware,
        return await self._cmd.gather(cmd_shell=upload)

def firmware_update(nanaimo_fixture_manager, nanaimo_arguments) -> nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture:
    return FirmwareUpdateFixture(nanaimo_fixture_manager, nanaimo_arguments)

Now go back to your test file and change the test_upload_firmware_if_needed method to:

from nanaimo import assert_success

async def test_upload_firmware(firmware_update):
    assert_success(await firmware_update.gather(fwr_force=True))


Note that the pytest fixture name should be the canonical name or fixture_name you defined for your fixture. When using setup.cfg to register redistributable plugins this is done automatically. It’s good form to follow this convention when defining the plugin “manually” in a See the documentation for nanaimo.pytest.plugin for more details on creating and registering your own Fixture types.

This is now a test that always runs to verify that the firmware update works. For all other tests we can reuse this fixture to ensure we are testing with the current firmware. For example:

async def test_imu(firmware_update,
    A test that verifies that our IMU is returning sensible data.

    assert_success(await firmware_update.gather())

    yepkit_port_for_pantilt = nanaimo_arguments.yep_pantilt_port
    yepkit_port_for_imu = nanaimo_arguments.yep_imu_port


Finally, let’s look at how the configuration works. In our example so far we’ve assumed several properties were available in the fixture arguments. There are several ways to provide these values. For a Linux-like system that is dedicated as a test host you may want to create an /etc/nanaimo.cfg file. For user overrides you can provide ~/nanaimo.cfg. For your test you can supply these arguments either in setup.cfg or in tox.ini. For example:

# In tox.ini

fwr_firmware_version_major = 2
fwr_firmware_version_minor = 1
fwr_firmware_version_patch = 0
fwr_port = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-some-uart-port0
fwr_firmware = myfirmware.bin

A few things to note about Nanaimo ini syntax; first it uses configparser.ConfigParser to parse the configuration files and it also uses configparser.ExtendedInterpolation to allow referencing other nanaimo ini sections. Finally, underscores are treated as namespaces so the following tox configuration is equivalent to the previous example:

# In tox.ini

port = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-some-uart-port0
firmware = myfirmware.bin

major = 2
minor = 1
patch = 0

Also note in our previous fixture example that the prefix fwr was omitted from the argument names:

def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None:
    arguments.add_argument('force', action='store_true', help='Always upload firmware.')
    arguments.add_argument('firmware_version_major', type=int, help='Required major firmware version.')
    arguments.add_argument('firmware_version_minor', type=int, help='Required minor firmware version.')
    arguments.add_argument('firmware_version_patch', type=int, help='Required patch firmware version.')
    arguments.add_argument('port', help='The serial port to provide to upload_firmware')
    arguments.add_argument('firmware', help='The firmware file to upload.')

This is done on purpose. Nanaimo will prepend the prefix based on the value of argument_prefix for a given fixture. What’s useful about this is it allows fixtures to be composed out of other fixtures. For example, if you compose MyOtherUpdateFixture fixture out of FirmwareUpdateFixture like this:

class MyOtherUpdateFixture(FirmwareUpdateFixture):
    argument_prefix = 'mou'
    def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None:

…then your new fixture’s arguments will be prefixed with mou and won’t conflict with fwr arguments. If you aggregate in a fixture instead (like FirmwareUpdateFixture does with nanaimo_cmd.Fixture then the arguments will get their prefix from the aggregate.


Let’s say we like our firmware update fixture so much we want to package it up and make it available to other pytests using our package. To do this we’d change four things from our previous example:

1. We need to add a and setup.cfg to allow setuptools to package up our python project for redistribution

+ myproject
|   + src
|   |
|   + test
|   |
|   |
| tox.ini
| setup.cfg

Feel free to use the nanaimo github repository as an example if you like.

2. Move our FirmwareUpdateFixture to its own module. Let’s say we created a file and moved our fixture out of to this file

+ myproject
|   + src
|   |
|   |
|   + test
|   |
|   |
| tox.ini
| setup.cfg
  1. In change these lines

    # This is a quick-and-dirty way to create our module that works for
    # without any special configuration.
    def firmware_update(nanaimo_fixture_manager, nanaimo_arguments) -> nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture:
        return FirmwareUpdateFixture(nanaimo_fixture_manager, nanaimo_arguments)

to this

# This extends the core Nanaimo pytest plugin with our own but we need to tell
# Nanaimo about it in our setup.cfg.
def pytest_nanaimo_fixture_type() -> typing.Type['nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture']:
    return FirmwareUpdateFixture
  1. Finally list our new module in the pytest11 section of your setup.cfg

    pytest11 =
        pytest_nanaimo = nanaimo.pytest.plugin
        pytest_nanaimo_plugin_firmware_update = my_module

Now your fixture is available in the same way it was before to tests but will also be available to any packages that depend on your package and the fixture will be available to nait (NanAimo Interactive Terminal). Furthermore, pytest --help will now show your fixture arguments and pytest --fixtures will include the docstring for your fixture class. Finally, you can now distribute your fixture to your tests using pypi or a similar distribution service.

nait (NanAimo Interactive Terminal)

Nanaimo comes with a CLI designed to allow direct interaction with one or more fixtures installed in your environment. This allows you to interactively test configuration or reset the state of a failed fixture. These fixtures will only be available to nait if they are specified in your setup.cfg (as we discussed in the previous section and as detailed in Nanaimo's pytest plugin documentation). Using this guide’s firmware update fixture example one might use nait to manually update a firmware like this

nait firmware_update --fwr-firmware path/to/my/firmware.bin

Nait will reuse all our configuration and will provide the exact same environment to the fixture as pytest since it’s actually just a thin wrapper around pytest.main().

See the nait reference section of this documentation for more detail.

[1]Wikipedia Article, “Test Fixture”:
[2]The JUnit 4 wiki
[3]Wikipedia Article, “xUnit”:
[4] in pytest docs: