Source code for nanaimo

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
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This module contains the common types used by Nanaimo.

import argparse
import logging
import os
import typing

from .config import ArgumentDefaults

[docs]class AssertionError(RuntimeError): """ Thrown by Nanaimo tests when an assertion has failed. .. Note:: This exception should be used only when the state of a :class:`nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture` was invalid. You should use pytest tests and assertions when writing validation cases for fixture output like log files or sensor data. """ pass
[docs]class Arguments: """ Adapter for pytest and argparse parser arguments. :param inner_arguments: Either a pytest group (unpublished type returned from :meth:`pytest.Parser.getgroup`) or a :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` :param typing.Any defaults: Optional provider of default values for arguments. :type defaults: typing.Optional[ArgumentDefaults] :param str required_prefix: If provided :meth:`add_argument` will rewrite arguments to enure they have the required prefix. :param bool filter_duplicates: If true then this class will track keys provided to the :meth:`add_argument` method and will not call the inner object if duplicates are detected. If false then all calls to :meth:`add_argument` are always forwarded to the inner object. This filter is tracked per instance so duplicates provided to different instances are not filtered. """ def __init__(self, inner_arguments: typing.Any, defaults: typing.Optional[ArgumentDefaults] = None, required_prefix: typing.Optional[str] = None, filter_duplicates: bool = False): self._inner = inner_arguments self._defaults = defaults self._required_prefix = (required_prefix.replace('_', '-') if required_prefix is not None else None) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._key_set = (set() if filter_duplicates else None) # type: typing.Optional[typing.Set[str]] @property def required_prefix(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: return self._required_prefix @required_prefix.setter def required_prefix(self, value: typing.Optional[str]) -> None: self._required_prefix = value
[docs] def set_inner_arguments(self, inner_arguments: typing.Any) -> None: """ Reset the inner argument object this object wraps. This method allows a single instance to filter all arguments preventing duplicates from reading the inner objects. .. invisible-code-block: python from nanaimo import Arguments from unittest.mock import MagicMock import argparse parser = MagicMock(spec=argparse.ArgumentParser) parser.add_argument = MagicMock() my_other_parser = MagicMock(spec=argparse.ArgumentParser) my_other_parser.add_argument = MagicMock() .. code-block:: python a = Arguments(parser, filter_duplicates=True) a.add_argument('--foo') # This second call will not make it to the parser # object we set above. a.add_argument('--foo') # If we set another parser on the same Arguments instance... a.inner_arguments = my_other_parser # then the same filter will continue to apply for this new # inner argument object. a.add_argument('--foo') .. invisible-code-block: python parser.add_argument.assert_called_once_with('--foo') my_other_parser.add_argument.assert_not_called() """ self._inner = inner_arguments
[docs] def add_argument(self, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None: """ This method invokes :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument` but with one additional argument: ``enable_default_from_environ``. If this is provided as True then a default value will be taken from an environment variable derived from the long form of the argument: .. invisible-code-block: python from nanaimo import Arguments from unittest.mock import MagicMock, ANY from nanaimo.config import ArgumentDefaults import argparse import os parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument = MagicMock() config = ArgumentDefaults() .. code-block:: python # Using... long_arg = '--baud-rate' # ...the environment variable looked for will be: environment_var_name = 'NANAIMO_BAUD_RATE' # If we set the environment variable... os.environ[environment_var_name] = '115200' a = Arguments(parser, config) # ...and provide a default... a.add_argument('--baud-rate', default=9600, type=int, enable_default_from_environ=True, help='Will be 9600 unless argument is provided.') # ...the actual default value will be 115200 .. invisible-code-block: python parser.add_argument.assert_called_once_with('--baud-rate', default=115200, type=int, help=ANY) add_argument_call_args = parser.add_argument.call_args[1] .. code-block:: python assert add_argument_call_args['default'] == 115200 .. invisible-code-block: python parser.add_argument = MagicMock() .. code-block:: python # Using a required prefix... a = Arguments(parser, config, required_prefix='ad') # ...and adding an argument... a.add_argument('--baud-rate') # ...the actual argument added will be actual_long_arg = '--ad-baud-rate' .. invisible-code-block: python parser.add_argument.assert_called_once_with(actual_long_arg) """ if self._required_prefix is not None: args = self._rewrite_with_prefix(args) if self._key_set is not None: # Pytest has a bug where the ValueError thrown from # addoption leaves their parser in an inconsistent state. # The only way to handle duplicate resolution with pytest # is to intercept duplicates before they reach their # option parser. long_form_index, long_form = self._preparse_args(args) if long_form in self._key_set: self._logger.debug('Filtering duplicate key %s', long_form) return self._key_set.add(long_form) if self._defaults is not None: self._defaults.populate_default(self._inner, args, kwargs) if isinstance(self._inner, argparse.ArgumentParser): self._inner.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) else: self._inner.addoption(*args, **kwargs)
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | PRIVATE # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ @classmethod def _preparse_args(cls, args: typing.Tuple) -> typing.Tuple[int, str]: if len(args) == 0: raise AttributeError('No positional args provided?') long_form_index = -1 for i in range(0, len(args)): if args[i].startswith('--'): long_form_index = i break return (long_form_index, args[long_form_index]) def _rewrite_with_prefix(self, inout_args: typing.Tuple) -> typing.Tuple: long_form_index, long_form = self._preparse_args(inout_args) if long_form_index >= 0 and not inout_args[long_form_index].startswith('--{}'.format(self._required_prefix)): as_list = list(inout_args) rewritten = '--{}{}'.format(self._required_prefix, long_form[1:]) self._logger.debug('Rewriting argument {} to {} because it was missing required prefix "{}".' .format(long_form, rewritten, self._required_prefix)) return tuple(as_list[:long_form_index] + [rewritten] + as_list[long_form_index + 1:]) else: return inout_args
[docs]class Namespace: """ Generic object that acts like :class:`argparse.Namespace` but can be created using pytest plugin arguments as well. If :class:`nanaimo.config.ArgumentDefaults` are used with the :class:`Arguments` and this class then a given argument's value will be resolved in the following order: 1. provided value 2. config file specified by --rcfile argument. 3. nanaimo.cfg in user directory 4. nanaimo.cfg in system directory 5. default from environment (if ``enable_default_from_environ`` was set for the argument) 6. default specified for the argument. This is accomplished by first rewriting the defaults when attributes are defined on the :class:`Arguments` class and then capturing missing attributes on this class and looking up default values from configuration files. For lookup steps involving configuration files (where :class:`configparser.ConfigParser` is used internally) the lookup will search the configuration space using underscores ``_`` as namespace separators. this search will proceed as follows: .. invisible-code-block: python from nanaimo.config import ArgumentDefaults from unittest.mock import MagicMock, ANY import nanaimo argument_defaults = ArgumentDefaults() argument_defaults._configparser = MagicMock() values = MagicMock() count = 0 def seventh_times_a_charm(_): global count, values count += 1 if count < 7: raise KeyError return values argument_defaults._configparser.__getitem__.side_effect = seventh_times_a_charm .. code-block:: python # given key = 'a_b_c_d' # the following lookups will occur config_lookups = { 'nanaimo:a_b_c': 'd', 'nanaimo:a_b': 'c_d', 'nanaimo:a': 'b_c_d', 'a_b_c': 'd', 'a_b': 'c_d', 'a': 'b_c_d', 'nanaimo': 'a_b_c_d' } # when using an ArgumentDefaults instance _ = argument_defaults[key] .. invisible-code-block: python for item in config_lookups.items(): argument_defaults._configparser.__getitem__.assert_any_call(item[0]) values.__getitem__.assert_any_call('a_b_c_d') So for a given configuration file:: [nanaimo] a_b_c_d = 1 [a] b_c_d = 2 the value ``2`` under the ``a`` group will override (i.e. mask) the value ``1`` under the ``nanaimo`` group. .. note :: A specific example: - ``--bk-port <value>`` – if provided on the commandline will always override everything. - ``[bk] port = <value>`` – in a config file will be found next if no argument was given on the commandline. - ``NANAIMO_BK_PORT`` - set in the environment will be used if no configuration was provided because the :mod:`nanaimo.instruments.bkprecision` module defines the ``bk-port`` argument with ``enable_default_from_environ`` set. This object has a somewhat peculiar behavior for Python. All attributes will be reported either as a found value or as ``None``. That is, any arbitrary attribute requested from this object will be ``None``. To differentiate between ``None`` and "not set" you must using ``in``: .. code-block:: python ns = nanaimo.Namespace() assert is None assert 'foo' not in ns The behavior was designed to simplify argument handling code since argparse Namespaces will have ``None`` values for all arguments even if the were not provided and had no default value. :param parent: A namespace-like object to inherit attributes from. :type parent: typing.Optional[typing.Any] :param defaults: Defaults to use if a requested attribute is not available on this object. :type defaults: typing.Optional[ArgumentDefaults] :param allow_none_values: If True then an attribute with a None value is considered valid otherwise any attribute that is None will cause the Namespace to search for a non-None value in the defaults. :type allow_none_values: bool """ def __init__(self, parent: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, defaults: typing.Optional[ArgumentDefaults] = None, allow_none_values: bool = True): self._defaults = defaults if parent is not None: for key in vars(parent): parent_value = getattr(parent, key) if allow_none_values or parent_value is not None: setattr(self, key, parent_value) def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> typing.Any: try: return self.__dict__[key] except KeyError: if self._defaults is None: return None try: return self._defaults[key] except KeyError: return None def __contains__(self, key: str) -> typing.Any: if key in self.__dict__: return True elif self._defaults is None: return False else: return key in self._defaults
[docs] def get_as_merged_dict(self, key: str) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]: """ Expect the value to be a dictionary. In this case also load the defaults into the dictionary. :param key: The key to load the dictionary from. """ result = dict() # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] if self._defaults is not None: try: result.update(ArgumentDefaults.as_dict(self._defaults[key])) except KeyError: pass try: result.update(ArgumentDefaults.as_dict(self.__dict__[key])) except KeyError: pass return result
T = typing.TypeVar('T')
[docs] def merge(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> 'Namespace.T': """ Merges a list of keyword arguments with this namespace and returns a new, merged Namespace. This does not modify the instance that merge is called on. Example: .. invisible-code-block: python from nanaimo import Namespace .. code-block:: python original = Namespace() setattr(original, 'foo', 1) assert 1 == merged = original.merge(foo=2, bar='hello') assert 1 == assert 2 == assert 'hello' == :return: A new namespace with the contents of this object and any values provided as kwargs overwriting the values in this instance where the keys are the same. """ merged = self.__class__(parent=self, defaults=self._defaults) for key in kwargs: setattr(merged, key, kwargs[key]) return typing.cast('Namespace.T', merged)
[docs]class Artifacts(Namespace): """ Namespace returned by :class:`nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture` objects when invoked that contains the artifacts collected from the fixture's activities. :param result_code: The value to report as the status of the activity that gathered the artifacts. :param parent: A namespace-like object to inherit attributes from. :type parent: typing.Optional[typing.Any] :param defaults: Defaults to use if a requested attribute is not available on this object. :type defaults: typing.Optional[ArgumentDefaults] :param allow_none_values: If True then an attribute with a None value is considered valid otherwise any attribute that is None will cause the Artifacts to search for a non-None value in the defaults. :type allow_none_values: bool """
[docs] @classmethod def combine(cls, *artifacts: 'Artifacts') -> 'Artifacts': ''' Combine a series of artifacts into a single instance. This method uses :meth:`Namespace.merge` but adds additional semantics including: .. note :: While this method does not modify the original objects it also does not do a deep copy of artifact values. .. invisible-code-block: python from nanaimo import Artifacts first = Artifacts() setattr(first, 'foo', 1) second = Artifacts() setattr(second, 'bar', 2) combined = Artifacts.combine(first, second) assert 1 == assert 2 == Given two :class:`Artifacts` objects with the same attribute the right-most item in the combine list will overwrite the previous values and become the only value: .. code-block:: python setattr(first, 'foo', 1) setattr(second, 'foo', 2) assert Artifacts.combine(first, second).foo == 2 assert Artifacts.combine(second, first).foo == 1 The :data:`result_code` of the combined value will be either 0 iff all combined Artifact objects have a result_code of 0: .. code-block:: python first.result_code = 0 second.result_code = 0 assert Artifacts.combine(first, second).result_code == 0 or will be non-zero if any instance had a non-zero result code: .. code-block:: python first.result_code = 0 second.result_code = 1 assert Artifacts.combine(first, second).result_code != 0 :param artifacts: A list of artifacts to combine into a single :class:`Artifacts` instance. :raises ValueError: if no artifact objects were provided or if the method was otherwise unable to create a new object from the provided ones. ''' combined = None result_codes_were_all_zeros = True for a in artifacts: if combined is not None: combined = combined.merge(**a.__dict__) else: combined = a if a.result_code != 0: result_codes_were_all_zeros = False if combined is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to combine.') combined.result_code = (0 if result_codes_were_all_zeros else -1) return combined
def __init__(self, result_code: int = 0, parent: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, defaults: typing.Optional[ArgumentDefaults] = None, allow_none_values: bool = True): super().__init__(parent=parent, defaults=defaults, allow_none_values=allow_none_values) self._result_code = result_code @property def result_code(self) -> int: """ 0 if the artifacts were retrieved without error. Non-zero if some error occurred. The contents of this :class:`Namespace` is undefined for non-zero result codes. """ return self._result_code @result_code.setter def result_code(self, new_result: int) -> None: self._result_code = new_result
[docs] def dump(self, logger: logging.Logger, log_level: int = logging.DEBUG) -> None: """ Dump a human readable representation of this object to the given logger. :param logger: The logger to use. :param log_level: The log level to dump the object as. """ try: import yaml try: logger.log(log_level, yaml.dump(vars(self))) except TypeError: logger.log(log_level, '(failed to serialize Artifacts)') except ImportError: logger.log(log_level, str(vars(self)))
def __int__(self) -> int: """ Converts a reference to this object into its `result_code`. """ return self._result_code
[docs]def assert_success(artifacts: Artifacts) -> Artifacts: """ Syntactic sugar to allow more fluent handling of :meth:`fixtures.Fixture.gather` artifacts. For example: .. invisible-code-block: python import asyncio from nanaimo import Artifacts, assert_success from nanaimo.fixtures import Fixture, FixtureManager _doc_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() class DummyFixture(Fixture): @classmethod def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None: pass async def on_gather(self, args: nanaimo.Namespace) -> nanaimo.Artifacts: return nanaimo.Artifacts() fixture = DummyFixture(FixtureManager(loop=_doc_loop)) .. code-block:: python async def test_my_fixture(): artifacts = assert_success(await fixture.gather()) # Now we can use the artifacts. If the gather had returned # non-zero for the result_code an assertion error would have # been raised. .. invisible-code-block: python _doc_loop.run_until_complete(test_my_fixture()) :param artifacts: The artifacts to assert on. :type artifacts: nanaimo.Artifacts :returns: artifacts (for convenience). :rtype: nanaimo.Artifacts() """ assert artifacts.result_code == 0 return artifacts
[docs]def assert_success_if(artifacts: Artifacts, conditional: typing.Callable[[Artifacts], bool]) -> Artifacts: """ Syntactic sugar to allow more fluent handling of :meth:`fixtures.Fixture.gather` artifacts but with a user-supplied conditional. .. invisible-code-block: python import asyncio import pytest from nanaimo import Artifacts, assert_success_if from nanaimo.fixtures import Fixture, FixtureManager _doc_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() class DummyFixture(Fixture): @classmethod def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None: pass async def on_gather(self, args: nanaimo.Namespace) -> nanaimo.Artifacts: a = nanaimo.Artifacts() setattr(a, 'foo', 'bar') return a fixture = DummyFixture(FixtureManager(loop=_doc_loop)) .. code-block:: python async def test_my_fixture(): def fail_if_no_foo(artifacts: Artifacts) -> bool: return 'foo' in artifacts artifacts = assert_success_if(await fixture.gather(), fail_if_no_foo) print('artifacts have foo. It\'s value is {}'.format( .. invisible-code-block: python _doc_loop.run_until_complete(test_my_fixture()) async def test_failure(): assert_success_if(await fixture.gather(), lambda _: False) with pytest.raises(nanaimo.AssertionError): _doc_loop.run_until_complete(test_failure()) :param artifacts: The artifacts to assert on. :type artifacts: nanaimo.Artifacts :param conditiona: A method called to evaluate gathered artifacts iff :data:`Artifacts.result_code` is 0. Return False to trigger an assertion, True to pass. :returns: artifacts (for convenience). :rtype: nanaimo.Artifacts() """ assert artifacts.result_code == 0 assert conditional(artifacts) return artifacts
[docs]def set_subprocess_environment(args: Namespace) -> None: """ Updates :data:`os.environ` from values set as ``environ`` in the provided arguments. :param args: A namespace to load the environment from. The map of values in this key are added to any subsequent subprocess started but can be overridden by ``env`` arguments to subprocess constructors like :class:`subprocess.Popen` :type defaults: Namespace """ os.environ.update(args.get_as_merged_dict('environ'))