Source code for nanaimo.builtin.nanaimo_cmd

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
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import typing

import nanaimo
import nanaimo.fixtures
import nanaimo.pytest.plugin

[docs]class Fixture(nanaimo.fixtures.SubprocessFixture): """ Fixture that accepts a string argument ``cmd`` and executes it as a subprocess. .. invisible-code-block: python from nanaimo.fixtures import FixtureManager from nanaimo import Namespace, Arguments, Artifacts from nanaimo.builtin import nanaimo_cmd import os import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() manager = FixtureManager(loop=loop) .. code-block:: python async def list_directory() -> Artifacts: cmd = nanaimo_cmd.Fixture(manager) return await cmd.gather( cmd_shell = ('dir' if == 'nt' else 'ls -la') ) .. invisible-code-block: python results = loop.run_until_complete(list_directory()) assert 0 == results.result_code """ fixture_name = 'nanaimo_cmd' argument_prefix = 'cmd'
[docs] @classmethod def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None: super().on_visit_test_arguments(arguments) arguments.add_argument('--shell', '-C', help='A shell command to run as a subprocess.')
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | SubprocessFixture # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] def on_construct_command(self, arguments: nanaimo.Namespace, inout_artifacts: nanaimo.Artifacts) -> str: """ Called by the subprocess fixture to ask the specialization to form a command given a set of arguments. :param arguments: The arguments passed into :meth:`Fixture.on_gather`. :type arguments: nanaimo.Arguments :param inout_artifacts: A set of artifacts the superclass is assembling This is provided to the subclass to allow it to optionally contribute artifacts. :type inout_artifacts: nanaimo.Artifacts :return: The command to run in a subprocess shell. """ return str(self.get_arg_covariant_or_fail(arguments, 'shell'))
def pytest_nanaimo_fixture_type() -> typing.Type['nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture']: return Fixture