Source code for nanaimo.config

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
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Much of what Nanaimo does is to allow for intuitive, intelligent, and adaptable configuration of fixtures. This module
contains internal implementations used by public types to facilitate this functionality.
import argparse
import configparser
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import typing
import weakref

[docs]class ArgumentDefaults: """ Manages default values for Nanaimo arguments. Use in conjunction with :class:`nanaimo.Arguments` and :class:`nanaimo.Namespace` to populate default argument values when adding arguments to pytest or argparse and to replace missing attributes with values from configuration. When using the Nanaimo CLI or pytest plugin you don't need to worry about this object as these modules wire up the defaults, arguments, and namespaces for you. """ _default_read_locations = ['~/nanaimo.cfg', '/etc/nanaimo.cfg', 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini'] """ These are all the locations that Nanaimo configuration files will be searched for. Configuration merge rules are as defined by :meth:``. """
[docs] @classmethod def create_defaults_with_early_rc_config(cls) -> 'ArgumentDefaults': ''' A special factory method that creates a :class:`ArgumentDefaults` instance pulling the value of ``--rcfile`` directly from :data:`sys.argv`. This allows defaults to be pulled from a config file before argument parsing is performed. ''' import sys def args() -> None: pass for x in range(0, len(sys.argv) - 1): if sys.argv[x] == '--rcfile': setattr(args, 'rcfile', sys.argv[x + 1]) break return ArgumentDefaults(args)
[docs] @classmethod def as_dict(cls, config_value: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]]) -> typing.Mapping[str, str]: """ Where a value is set as a map this method is used to parse the resulting string into a Python dictionary:: [nanaimo] foo = a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 Given the above configuration the value of ``foo`` can be read as a dictionary as such: .. invisible-code-block: python from nanaimo.config import ArgumentDefaults config = dict() config['foo'] = ''' a = 1 b=2 c= 3 ''' .. code-block:: python foo_dict = ArgumentDefaults.as_dict(config['foo']) assert foo_dict['b'] == '2' """ dict_val = dict() if isinstance(config_value, list): value_list = config_value elif config_value is not None: value_list = [str(config_value)] else: value_list = [] for value in value_list: as_list = value.strip().split('\n') for pair_string in as_list: kv = pair_string.split('=') dict_val[kv[0].strip()] = kv[1].strip() return dict_val
def __init__(self, args: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None) -> None: self._env_variable_index = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # type: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary self._configparser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=configparser.ExtendedInterpolation()) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._value_types = dict() # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Type] if args is not None: self.set_args(args) else: self.set_args(dict()) def set_args(self, args: typing.Any) -> None: if hasattr(args, 'rcfile') and args.rcfile is not None: read_locations = [str(args.rcfile)] + self._default_read_locations else: read_locations = self._default_read_locations resolved_locations = [] for read_location in read_locations: resolved_locations.append(str(pathlib.Path(read_location).expanduser())) read_from = self._logger.debug('Configuration read from {}'.format(str(read_from))) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> typing.Any: namespaced_key = key.split('_') type_cast = typing.cast(typing.Type, (str if key not in self._value_types else self._value_types[key])) # Try once with nanaimo prefix (more specific) for x in range(len(namespaced_key) - 1, 0, -1): try: group = '_'.join(namespaced_key[:x]) value_key = '_'.join(namespaced_key[x:]) return type_cast(self._configparser['nanaimo:' + group][value_key]) except KeyError: pass # Try again without the prefix for x in range(len(namespaced_key) - 1, 0, -1): try: group = '_'.join(namespaced_key[:x]) value_key = '_'.join(namespaced_key[x:]) return type_cast(self._configparser[group][value_key]) except KeyError: pass return type_cast(self._configparser['nanaimo'][key]) def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: try: _ = self[key] return True except KeyError: return False def populate_default(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, inout_args: typing.Tuple, inout_kwargs: typing.Dict) -> None: # First replace any default with one from configuration. try: derived_key = self._derive_key_from_args(inout_args) from_config = self[derived_key] if from_config is not None: if 'type' in inout_kwargs: type_cast = inout_kwargs['type'] self._value_types[derived_key] = type_cast inout_kwargs['default'] = type_cast(from_config) else: inout_kwargs['default'] = from_config self._logger.debug('Setting the default for %s to %s (type %s) from a config file.', derived_key, inout_kwargs['default'], type(inout_kwargs['default'])) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass # If we do have an environment variable and we allow this to be used # as a default it should become the default. if 'enable_default_from_environ' in inout_kwargs: if inout_kwargs['enable_default_from_environ']: self._handle_enable_default_from_environ(parser, inout_args, inout_kwargs) del inout_kwargs['enable_default_from_environ'] # Finally, delete required if we managed to find a default. if 'required' in inout_kwargs and 'default' in inout_kwargs: # Since we have a default from configuration we can remove the required flag. del inout_kwargs['required'] @classmethod def _derive_key_from_args(cls, inout_args: typing.Tuple) -> str: if len(inout_args) == 0: raise ValueError('No positional arguments') if len(inout_args) > 1: longform = str(inout_args[0]) if str(inout_args[0]).startswith('--') else str(inout_args[1]) else: longform = str(inout_args[0]) if not longform.startswith('--'): raise ValueError('No long-form argument to derive.') return longform[2:].replace('-', '_') def _handle_enable_default_from_environ(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, inout_args: typing.Tuple, inout_kwargs: typing.Dict) -> None: name = self._derive_key_from_args(inout_args) env_variable = 'NANAIMO_{}'.format(name.upper().replace('-', '_')) try: parser_map = self._env_variable_index[parser] if env_variable in parser_map: raise RuntimeError('{} (derived from {}) was already derived from {}!' .format(env_variable, name, parser_map[env_variable])) parser_map[parser][env_variable] = name except KeyError: self._env_variable_index[parser] = {env_variable: name} self._set_default_from_environment(env_variable, inout_args, inout_kwargs) @classmethod def _set_default_from_environment(cls, env_variable: str, args: typing.Tuple, inout_kwargs: typing.Dict) -> None: if env_variable in os.environ: inout_kwargs['default'] = os.environ[env_variable] try: inout_kwargs['default'] = inout_kwargs['type'](inout_kwargs['default']) except KeyError: pass additional_help = 'Default value {} obtained from environment variable {}.'\ .format(os.environ[env_variable], env_variable) else: additional_help = 'Set {} in the environment to override default.'.format(env_variable) try: inout_kwargs['help'] = inout_kwargs['help'] + '\n' + additional_help except KeyError: inout_kwargs['help'] = additional_help