Source code for nanaimo.connections

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
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Connections are built-in async abstractions using standard communication
protocols like UART, I2C, CAN, TCP/IP, etc. :class:`Instrument` and :class:`nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture`
classes use connections to bind to physical hardware.
import asyncio
import codecs
import queue
import typing

import nanaimo

[docs]class TimestampedLine(str): """ A line of text with an associated timestamp. This is a subclass of string so the object may be treated as a string without conversion. """ @classmethod def create(cls, line_text: object, timestamp_seconds: float) -> 'TimestampedLine': timestamped = TimestampedLine(line_text) timestamped._timestamp_seconds = timestamp_seconds return timestamped def __init__(self, line_text: object): self._timestamp_seconds = 0.0 @property def timestamp_seconds(self) -> float: """ The timestamp for the line in fractional seconds. For example, this would be the time the line of text was received when this type is returned for a getter. """ return self._timestamp_seconds
[docs]class AbstractSerial: """ Abstract base class for a serial communication channel. """ @classmethod def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None: arguments.add_argument('--port', help='The port to monitor.') arguments.add_argument('--port-speed', default=9600, help='the speed of the port (e.g. baud rate for serial ports).')
[docs]class AbstractAsyncSerial(AbstractSerial): """ Abstract base class for a serial communication channel that provides asynchronous methods. """ def __init__(self, loop: typing.Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> None: self._loop = (loop if loop is not None else asyncio.get_event_loop()) self._read_buffer = queue.Queue() # type: queue.Queue[TimestampedLine] self._write_buffer = queue.Queue() # type: queue.Queue[str] self._rx_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder('UTF-8')('replace') self._tx_encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder('UTF-8')('replace') self._queues_are_running = True self._rx_buffer_overflows = 0 @property def loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop: return self._loop @property def rx_buffer_overflows(self) -> int: return self._rx_buffer_overflows def stop(self) -> None: self._queues_are_running = False
[docs] def time(self) -> float: """ Get the current, monotonic time, in fractional seconds, using the same clock used for receive timestamps. """ return self._loop.time()
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | ASYNC OPERATIONS # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] async def get_line(self, timeout_seconds: typing.Optional[float] = None) -> TimestampedLine: """ Get a line of text. :param float timeout_seconds: Time in fractional seconds to wait for input. :returns: A line of text with the time it was received at. :rtype: TimestampedLine :raises asyncio.TimeoutError: If a full line of text was not received within the specified timeout period. """ start_time = self.time() while True: try: return self._read_buffer.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: if not self._queues_are_running: raise if timeout_seconds is not None and self.time() - start_time > timeout_seconds: raise asyncio.TimeoutError() await asyncio.sleep(0.001)
[docs] async def put_line(self, input_line: str, timeout_seconds: typing.Optional[float] = None) -> float: """ Put a line of text to the serial device. :param str input_line: The line to put. :param float timeout_seconds: Fractional seconds to block for if the input buffer is full. If the buffer does not become available within this time then :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` is raised. Use 0 to block forever. :return: The monotonic system time that the line was put into the serial buffers at (see :meth:`time`). :raises asyncio.TimeoutError: If an input buffer did not become available within the specified timeout. """ start_time = self.time() while self._queues_are_running: try: start_of_put = self.time() self._write_buffer.put_nowait(input_line) return start_of_put except queue.Full: if timeout_seconds is not None and self.time() - start_time > timeout_seconds: raise asyncio.TimeoutError() await asyncio.sleep(0.001) return self.time()