Source code for nanaimo.instruments.bkprecision

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
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import asyncio
import contextlib
import pathlib
import re
import typing

import nanaimo
import nanaimo.fixtures
import nanaimo.pytest.plugin
from nanaimo.connections.uart import AbstractAsyncSerial, ConcurrentUart

[docs]class Series1900BUart(nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture): """ Control of a 1900B series BK Precision power supply via UART. """ fixture_name = 'nanaimo_instr_bk_precision' argument_prefix = 'bk' DefaultCommandTimeoutSeconds = 6.0 # cspell: disable CommandTurnOn = 'SOUT0' CommandTurnOff = 'SOUT1' CommandGetDisplay = 'GETD' ResultOk = 'OK' ModeCV = 0 ModeCC = 1 ModeInvalid = -1
[docs] @classmethod def mode_to_text(cls, mode: int) -> str: """ Get a two-character textual representation for a given power supply mode. """ if mode == cls.ModeCV: return 'CV' elif mode == cls.ModeCC: return 'CC' else: return 'EE'
CommandHelp = { 'SOUT0': 'Switch on supply output.', 'SOUT1': 'Switch off supply output.', 'GETD': 'Read parameters displayed on the front panel of the supply.' } # cspell: enable UartFactoryType = typing.Callable[[typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path]], typing.Any] """ The serial port factory type for this instrument. """
[docs] @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def default_serial_port(cls, port: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path]) \ -> typing.Generator[AbstractAsyncSerial, None, None]: """ Creates a serial connection to the given port using the default settings for a BK Precision Series 1900B power supply. """ with ConcurrentUart.new_default(str(port), 9600) as bk_uart: bk_uart.eol = '\r' yield bk_uart
def __init__(self, manager: nanaimo.fixtures.FixtureManager, args: nanaimo.Namespace, **kwargs: typing.Any): super().__init__(manager, args, **kwargs) self._debug = False if 'uart_factory' in kwargs: uart_factory = typing.cast(typing.Optional['Series1900BUart.UartFactoryType'], kwargs['uart_factory']) self._uart_factory = (uart_factory if uart_factory is not None else self.default_serial_port) else: self._uart_factory = self.default_serial_port
[docs] @classmethod def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None: arguments.add_argument('--port', enable_default_from_environ=True, help='The port the BK Precision power supply is connected to.') arguments.add_argument('--command', '--BC', help='command', default='?') arguments.add_argument('--command-timeout', enable_default_from_environ=True, help='time out for individual commands.', default=4.0) arguments.add_argument('--target-voltage', enable_default_from_environ=True, type=float, help='The target voltage') arguments.add_argument('--target-voltage-threshold-rising', enable_default_from_environ=True, type=float, default=0.2, help='Voltage offset from the target voltage to trigger on when the voltage is rising.') arguments.add_argument('--target-voltage-threshold-falling', enable_default_from_environ=True, type=float, default=0.01, help='Voltage offset from the target voltage to trigger on when the voltage is falling.')
[docs] async def on_gather(self, args: nanaimo.Namespace) -> nanaimo.Artifacts: """ Send a command to the instrument and return the result. :param str command: Send one of the following commands: +---------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Command | Action | Returns | +=========+==================================+==================================================+ | '1' | Turn on output voltage | 'OK' or error text. | +---------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | '0' | Turn off output voltage | 'OK' or error text | +---------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 'r' | Send a stream of <cr> characters | (NA) | +---------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | '?' | Read the front panel display | Display voltage, current, and status (ON or OFF) | +---------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ """ bk_port = self.get_arg_covariant_or_fail(args, 'port') with self._uart_factory(bk_port) as bk_uart: artifacts = await self._do_command_from_args(bk_uart, args) return artifacts
[docs] def is_volage_above_on_threshold(self, voltage: float) -> bool: """ Deprecated misspelling. See :meth:`is_voltage_above_on_threshold` for correct method. """ return self.is_voltage_above_on_threshold(voltage)
[docs] def is_voltage_above_on_threshold(self, voltage: float) -> bool: """ Return if a given voltage is above the configured threshold for the high/on/rising voltage for this fixture. :raises ValueError: if no target voltage could be determined. """ bk_target_voltage_threshold_rising = self.get_arg_covariant(self.fixture_arguments, 'target_voltage_threshold_rising', 0) bk_target_voltage = self.get_arg_covariant_or_fail(self.fixture_arguments, 'target_voltage') rising_threshold_voltage = bk_target_voltage - bk_target_voltage_threshold_rising return (True if voltage > rising_threshold_voltage else False)
[docs] def is_volage_below_off_threshold(self, voltage: float) -> bool: """ Deprecated misspelling. See :meth:`is_voltage_below_off_threshold` for correct method. """ return self.is_voltage_above_on_threshold(voltage)
[docs] def is_voltage_below_off_threshold(self, voltage: float) -> bool: """ Return if a given voltage is below the configured threshold for the low/off/falling voltage for this fixture. """ falling_threshold_voltage = self.get_arg_covariant(self.fixture_arguments, 'target_voltage_threshold_falling', 0) return (True if voltage < falling_threshold_voltage else False)
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | PRIVATE # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ async def _get_display(self, uart: AbstractAsyncSerial, command_timeout: typing.Optional[float]) \ -> typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[float, float, int], int]: display, status = await self._do_command(uart, self.CommandGetDisplay, command_timeout) if status != 0 or display is None or len(display) < 8: return ((0, 0, self.ModeInvalid), status) else: try: voltage = int(display[0:4]) / 100.0 current = int(display[4:8]) / 100.0 mode = int(display[8]) if mode != self.ModeCC and mode != self.ModeCV: mode = self.ModeInvalid status = -1 except ValueError: mode = self.ModeInvalid voltage = 0 current = 0 return ((voltage, current, mode), status) async def _up_or_down(self, is_up: bool, uart: AbstractAsyncSerial, args: nanaimo.Namespace, inout_artifacts: nanaimo.Artifacts) -> None: start_time = uart.time() _, inout_artifacts.result_code = await self._do_command(uart, (self.CommandTurnOn if is_up else self.CommandTurnOff), args.bk_command_timeout) if inout_artifacts.result_code == 0 and args.bk_target_voltage is not None: wait_timeout = (None if args.bk_command_timeout is None else max(0, args.bk_command_timeout - (uart.time() - start_time))) inout_artifacts.result_code = await self._wait_for_voltage(uart, wait_timeout, is_up) async def _do_command_from_args(self, uart: AbstractAsyncSerial, args: nanaimo.Namespace) -> nanaimo.Artifacts: artifacts = nanaimo.Artifacts(-1) if args.bk_command == '1': await self._up_or_down(True, uart, args, artifacts) elif args.bk_command == '0': await self._up_or_down(False, uart, args, artifacts) elif args.bk_command == 'r': _, artifacts.result_code = await self._do_command(uart, '\r\r\r\r', args.bk_command_timeout) elif args.bk_command == '?': display, artifacts.result_code = await self._get_display(uart, args.bk_command_timeout) if artifacts.result_code == 0: setattr(artifacts, 'display', display) setattr(artifacts, 'display_text', '{},{},{}'.format( display[0], display[1], self.mode_to_text(int(display[1])))) else: self.logger.warning('command {} is not a valid Series1900BUart command.'.format(args.bk_command)) return artifacts async def _wait_for_response(self, uart: AbstractAsyncSerial, command: str, puttime_secs: float, command_timeout: typing.Optional[float]) -> typing.Tuple[str, int]: start_time = uart.time() previous_line = None status = 1 while True: now = uart.time() if command_timeout is not None and now - start_time > command_timeout: raise asyncio.TimeoutError() if self._debug: self.logger.debug('Waiting for response to command %s put before time %f seconds', command, puttime_secs) get_line_timeout_seconds = (command_timeout - (now - start_time) if command_timeout is not None else None) received_line = await uart.get_line(get_line_timeout_seconds) if self._debug: self.logger.debug('At %f Got line: %s', received_line.timestamp_seconds, received_line) # The result has to be from after the put or # it's an old result from a buffer. if received_line.timestamp_seconds > puttime_secs and received_line == self.ResultOk: status = 0 break # Skip any empty lines the device sends back. if len(received_line) > 0: previous_line = received_line return (str(previous_line), status) async def _do_command(self, uart: AbstractAsyncSerial, command: str, command_timeout: typing.Optional[float]) -> typing.Tuple[str, int]: try: command_help = self.CommandHelp[command] is_command = True self.logger.debug('Sending command %s (help=%s)', command, command_help) except KeyError: self.logger.debug('Sending characters %s', re.sub('\\r', '<cr>', command)) is_command = False puttime_secs = await uart.put_line(command + '\r') if is_command: return await self._wait_for_response(uart, command, puttime_secs, command_timeout) else: return ('', 1) async def _wait_for_voltage(self, uart: AbstractAsyncSerial, command_timeout: typing.Optional[float], is_rising: bool) -> int: start_time = uart.time() while True: if command_timeout is not None and uart.time() - start_time > command_timeout: raise asyncio.TimeoutError() display_tuple, result = await self._get_display(uart, command_timeout) voltage = display_tuple[0] if result == 0: if is_rising and self.is_voltage_above_on_threshold(voltage): self.logger.debug('---------------POWER SUPPLY UP----------------') break elif not is_rising and self.is_voltage_below_off_threshold(voltage): self.logger.debug('--------------POWER SUPPLY DOWN---------------') break await asyncio.sleep(.01) return result
def pytest_nanaimo_fixture_type() -> typing.Type['nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture']: return Series1900BUart