Source code for nanaimo.instruments.saleae

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
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TODO: See for the command
strings. They don't seem to be documented anywhere else.

import asyncio
import typing

import nanaimo
import nanaimo.fixtures
import nanaimo.pytest.plugin

[docs]class Fixture(nanaimo.fixtures.Fixture): """ This fixture controls a `Saleae logic analyser <>`_ attached to the system via USB. .. Warning:: Stubbed-out implementation This fixture doesn't do anything yet either then the most naive query possible of the Saleae. This would be a great first contribution to the Nanaimo project. """ fixture_name = 'nanaimo_instr_saleae' argument_prefix = 'sae'
[docs] @classmethod def on_visit_test_arguments(cls, arguments: nanaimo.Arguments) -> None: arguments.add_argument('--port', enable_default_from_environ=True, default='10429', help='TCP port for the logic socket server.') arguments.add_argument('--host', enable_default_from_environ=True, default='localhost', help='hostname for the logic socket server.')
[docs] async def on_gather(self, args: nanaimo.Namespace) -> nanaimo.Artifacts: saleae_host = self.get_arg_covariant_or_fail(args, 'saleae_host') saleae_port = self.get_arg_covariant_or_fail(args, 'saleae_port')'about to connect to {}:{}'.format(saleae_host, saleae_port)) reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host=saleae_host, port=saleae_port, loop=self.loop) writer.write('GET_ALL_SAMPLE_RATES\0'.encode('utf-8')) rx_buffer = '' while 'ACK' not in rx_buffer: rx_bytes = await if rx_bytes is not None: rx_text = rx_bytes.decode('utf-8') self.logger.debug('rx: %s', rx_text) rx_buffer += rx_text # this is kind of crap. do way better. if 'NAK' == rx_buffer[0:3]: self.logger.error('NAK') break writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() return nanaimo.Artifacts()
def pytest_nanaimo_fixture_type() -> typing.Type['Fixture']: return Fixture