Source code for nanaimo.connections.uart

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
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import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
import logging
import queue
import re
import threading
import types
import typing

import serial

from . import AbstractAsyncSerial, TimestampedLine

[docs]class ConcurrentUart(AbstractAsyncSerial): """ Buffers serial input on another thread and provides line-oriented access to/from the tty via synchronized queues. """ DefaultSerialTimeoutSeconds = 1 WriteBufferEndOfTransmission = '\4' @classmethod def new_default(cls, port: str, baudrate: int, loop: typing.Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> 'ConcurrentUart': return cls(serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=cls.DefaultSerialTimeoutSeconds), loop) def __init__(self, serial_port: serial.Serial, loop: typing.Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, eol: str = '\r\n', echo: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(loop) self._s = serial_port self._echo = echo self._eol = eol self._executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) self._serial_futures = [] # type: typing.List[concurrent.futures.Future] self._logger_tx = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__ + "_tx") self._logger_rx = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__ + "_rx") self._extra_verbose = False @property def serial_port(self) -> serial.Serial: return self._s @property def eol(self) -> str: return self._eol @eol.setter def eol(self, eol: str) -> None: self._eol = eol @property def echo(self) -> bool: return self._echo @echo.setter def echo(self, value: bool) -> None: self._echo = value @property def timeout_seconds(self) -> float: return float(self._s.timeout) @timeout_seconds.setter def timeout_seconds(self, value: float) -> None: self._s.timeout = value @property def extra_verbose(self) -> bool: return self._extra_verbose @extra_verbose.setter def extra_verbose(self, extra_verbose: bool) -> None: self._extra_verbose = extra_verbose # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | CONTEXT MANAGER # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ def __enter__(self) -> 'ConcurrentUart': if not self._s.is_open: self._serial_futures.append(self._executor.submit(self._buffer_input)) self._serial_futures.append(self._executor.submit(self._buffer_output)) return self def __exit__(self, exception_type: typing.Optional[typing.Any], exception_value: typing.Optional[typing.Any], traceback: typing.Optional[types.TracebackType]) -> None: self.stop() self._s.flush() self._s.cancel_read() self._write_buffer.put_nowait(self.WriteBufferEndOfTransmission) for serial_future in reversed(self._serial_futures): if not serial_future.done(): serial_future.result((self._s.timeout if self._s.timeout > 0 else None)) self._s.close() self._executor.shutdown(wait=True) # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | CONCURRENT OPERATIONS # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] def readline(self) -> typing.Optional[TimestampedLine]: """ Get a line of text from the receive buffers. :returns: A line of text with the time it was received at. :rtype: TimestampedLine """ try: return self._read_buffer.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: return None
[docs] def writeline(self, input_line: str, end: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> float: """ Enqueue a line of text to be transmitted on the serial device. :param str input_line: The line to put. :param end: Line ending (overrides the default :meth:`eol`). :type end: typing.Optional[str] :return: The monotonic system time that the line was put into the serial buffers at (see :meth:`time`). """ try: self._write_buffer.put_nowait(input_line + (end if end is not None else self._eol)) return self.time() except queue.Full: return False
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | PRIVATE # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ def _buffer_input(self) -> None: try: local_storage = threading.local() local_storage.line_buffer = '' while self._queues_are_running: self._buffer_input_step(local_storage) finally: if self._queues_are_running: self._logger_rx.error("read thread exiting.") self._queues_are_running = False def _buffer_input_step(self, local_storage: threading.local) -> None: raw_input = rx_timestamp_seconds = self.time() decoded_input = local_storage.line_buffer + self._rx_decoder.decode(raw_input) local_storage.line_buffer = '' decoded_lines = decoded_input.split(self._eol) if not decoded_input.endswith(self._eol) and len(decoded_lines) > 0: # last bit didn't yet have a terminator. Buffer it for the next # go around local_storage.line_buffer = decoded_lines[-1] decoded_lines = decoded_lines[:-1] for decoded_line in decoded_lines: try: timestamped_line = TimestampedLine.create(decoded_line, rx_timestamp_seconds) self._read_buffer.put_nowait(timestamped_line) if self._extra_verbose: self._logger_rx.debug(re.sub('\\r', '<cr>', timestamped_line)) except queue.Full: self._logger_rx.warning("read buffer overflow.") self._rx_buffer_overflows += 1 def _buffer_output(self) -> None: try: while self._queues_are_running: self._buffer_output_step() finally: if self._queues_are_running: self._logger_tx.error("write thread exiting.") self._queues_are_running = False def _buffer_output_step(self) -> None: try: writeline = self._write_buffer.get(block=True) if writeline != self.WriteBufferEndOfTransmission: self._s.write(self._tx_encoder.encode(writeline)) if self._echo:'\\r', '<cr>', writeline)) except queue.Empty: pass